Post two: Water World
Water in a landscape is universally appealing. The glittering ripples, colorful reflections, and soothing sounds draw us in to enjoy, admire, reflect. We slow down and gaze in, trying to discern what is below in the shadows, under a log, behind the rock. We might think first of fish, the salmon of yesteryear, trout of today. Of tadpoles and insects and birds. Even otters and beavers. They are all here, but it takes time to see them since so many understandably, don’t want to be found. But their habitat is here, all around Bumping Lake. The streams of the Bumping River Valley are pristine, spilling down from alpine meadows, collecting unmolested, and gathering into larger creeks and finally the River itself. Their waters are cool and unbelievably clear. I am fascinated with the world beneath the surface and take my trusty underwater camera on most outdoor explorations. The camera is like an upside down periscope that lets me peer into the watery depths. It is my window to another wor...